Returned to work after a three week break. I manage to forget my login password at work. It is a first for me, and it feels pretty good. Half of the three weeks was spent buying a house and recovering. The other was typical holiday rituals. I received a Kindle for Christmas, and I must say it is great. This piece of technology really makes me want to read more books. There so many works that are now public domain in electronic form, I can easily download and be reading in a classic in a matter of minutes. Even after spending some quality time with an Ipad, I can honestly say that I would not consider using it as an e-reader. There are simply to many distractions on it. Why read when I can play a video game or surf the web? Plus, plus! Battery life. As with all mobile electronics, the battery simply under-performs. Less time charging is a huge win in my book (pun intended), and don't forget about the eye strain from staring at a backlit screen for hours.
So new years resolution time. They are usually lame, and never happen. Of course, many people are using it as motivation for a big lifestyle change. The problem is they just don't realized it. My gym is fairly small and I usually recognize 75% of the people in there. That number has dropped to about 10% during the last two days. The numbers are fuzzy, but they still get my point across. Losing weight and getting in shape takes more than dieting and exercising at the beginning of January. So I get to work out in a much more crowed environment until people finally give up on their
dreams resolutions. Now back to my New Years resolution. I decided that I need to eat more pizza. I'm not sure the best way to quantify it to make achievable, but my best attempt to try one new pizza place every month. I will blog later about such visits. Maybe someday creating a master pizza ranking list of the greater Portland metropolitan area. The answer to the question your asking is yes - I really like pizza. You might be thinking that pizza once a month isn't much, why not more? Or, how do you stay thin with all this talk of food? The answers to your questions are already provided in this paragraph. So let me reiterate anyway. I don't eat pizza that often so I don't have to make New Years resolutions about losing weight, and stay thin by going to the gym year round.
Blog post over.
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