Living in Portland is having a disturbing effect on me. I now think of how "green" things are. It's a color!
Recently I bought some weed-killer, and when spraying said weed killer I thought, "isn't there something that is less harmful to the environment". Luckily I kept on spraying. Theses tendencies are becoming everyday occurrences. I always think to recycle before I throw garbage out, and all those plastic bags mock me for not giving them the heave ho. Some of my food purchasing habit fall into this neo-hippie realm of buying local. This is not a purposely green behavior (see my other blog post for more info).
So what will cure these hippie tendencies? The only corrective action I can think of is quite elegant in its simplicity and joyfulness. Watching South Park.
11 years ago
That or slapping yourself lots of times... :)